From ebook to print, a publishing feat the first of its kind…

The New York Times broke the news this weekend.  First as an e-book through The Writer’s Coffee Shop, now as a $1million deal with Random House publishing.  For most works, the traditional publishing path has been to be discovered by a publishing house, then released as an eBook and print.  But newly discovered author E.L.James has created something out of the linear order.

E.L.James, a television executive in London, posted chapter-by-chapter additions to his book Fifty Shades of Grey, attracting a vast readership.  It was soon released into ebook format, selling 250 000 copies, most in the past few months.

And now it has been revealed Random House has purchased rights to the book for $1 million, with 750 000 copies of the text to be released in the US next week, with copies appearing in Australian bookshops from April/May.

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